Operationalizing Hofstede’s 6-D model of National Culture, ‘Negotiate like a local: 7 Mindsets to increase your success rate in international business’, written by Hofstede Insights Associate Partners Jean-Pierre Coene and Marc Jacobs, is indispensable for anyone who finds themselves in an international setting. Building on Huib Wursten’s Culture Clusters™ in the context of international business, the authors have created something which surpasses a simple “how-to” guide comprising of do’s and don’ts.
‘Negotiate like a Local’ now available in Mandarin 跨国谈判本土化战略
Very proud to announce that the Mandarin translation of our book ‘Negotiate like a local’ is now available on Amazon as kindle e-book.
Aug 31, 2018: Understanding the 7 mindsets of international negotiation
When it comes to negotiating, some people just want to win at all costs. Others are more interested in working together to reach an agreement that satisfies everyone involved. To get the best possible outcome, you need to understand who you’re dealing with and what motivates them – but how?